Here you can choose your life goals and find the right knowledge to help you achieve them as quickly as possible.

  • Learnaxy Coin Coins
  • Goals / Learning Set Collections
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  • Coins Learnaxy Coin
  • Goals / Learning Set Collections
  • Newly published
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With coins, you can get the knowledge you need. At the same time, you motivate the respective provider to create even more helpful learning sets for you that improve your life

Imagine this! You only need 10 minutes a day to:

Grow in all areas of your life
Become the person you so want to be
Lead the life you dream of
Overcome your weaknesses that hold you back

And it's easier than ever before. The challenges of the Learning Sets tell you exactly what to do to achieve your self-selected goals.

And the Coins are the key to that 🚀

Find exactly what you're looking for: A learning set collection has all the right learning sets for one topic.

Lernsets sind das Fundament für deinen Erfolg: Sie enthalten das Wissen aus guten Büchern, Videos, Webseiten und anderen Medien. Jedes Lernset ist eine Sammlung von Fragen mit Antworten und es enthält eine Challenge mit Aufgaben und Medien: Videos, Audios, Links zu Webseiten, Texte, Verweise zu Büchern und mehr. Damit kannst du dein neues Wissen langfristig behalten und umsetzen.